Chinese kids allegedly forced to work at Foxconn making PS4s to get School Credits

If your usual projects at school were tough, and you thought internships were boring, this piece of news might change your mind. According to Chinese media, over 1,000 students from the Xi’an Institute of Technology have been working on the PlayStation 4 production line at Foxconn as part of a work experience partnership.
Just like regular workers, the students get paid and get workex on their CVs to make PS4 units however there seems to be no relevance to their courses. Foxconn has admitted to Quartz that some students were designated night shifts and overtime in disagreement with internship protocol. Foxconn says it’s taken steps to make sure it won’t happen again.
While reports claim that Xi’an Institute of Technology is holding credits of Students who don’t complete this “Mandatory” Internship. A real strategy for education, or a way to get cheap and effective labor ? You decide!
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