Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Rumoured to Return with 4k Display

Samsung is working on making the next Galaxy Note phone, after the tragic end of possibly the best phone of the year. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is said to be rocking the big comeback in 2017 with a 4k Super AMOLED display apparently to improve VR capabilities with a new Gear VR they are expected to launch alongside the Note 8.
Samsung has always considered the Note series it’s flagship and it appears that the company will not let go of it easily. The Note 7 had serious battery issues that caused consumers to doubt the reliability of Samsung products in general. Samsung will launch the Note 8 in Summer of 2017 in a bad up before the Apple iPhone gets a rumoured OLED overhaul.
Reports of the new assistant Bixby, launching with the Galaxy S8 expected in coming months will be another highlight of the Galaxy Note 8 smartphone.
Samsung will also reveal investigations into the Galaxy Note 7 fires and why they happened by the end of January, finally and hopefully putting an end to the whole scenario.