Videocon Plans to Become a Major Internet Provider in India by Next Year

Remember the 90s when the only phrase that came to your mind when you heard the name Videocon was “washing machine” in the exact tone from the ad. Well now, that company is planning to become an internet provider across India.
Videocon at present is planning to invest Rs. 340 crore over the coming year to launch internet services across six-seven circles in the India. It plans to provide the service in states like Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Gujarat. This will then be followed by introduction of services in metro and tier-1 cities.
At present Videocon, has Fibre To The Endpoint (FTTX services) in Punjab that it plans to extend to other parts of the country. The company’s internet service provider (ISP) arm ‘Connect Broadband’ has already acquired a Unified License – ISP (Category-A). This Category-A license allows them to provide internet across the nation.
This is a good step by Videocon, and it will be beneficial for the company as well as the consumers. Right now, there are few players in the internet provider arena and hence Indians get one of the worst internet services amongst developing nations. A healthy competition at the ISP level will lead to good quality services for the users. It will also encourage local players to try their hands at the internet business. India has a healthy technical workforce, and if given the access of quality connectivity to the internet, they can truly win the world.