Samsung announces DDR 2.0 NAND Flash Chips Boasting 3x Performance Gain
Samsung announced that is is going to be producing DDR (Double Data Rate) 2.0 NAND flash memory chips based on its smallest 20 nanometer architecture. The chips boast a doubling in memory storage upto 64GB and a performance increase of upto three times, over their current DDR 1.0 technology.
These chips will be used extensivly in mobile devices like Smartphones, Tablets and SSDs. Equipped with a toggleable DDR 2.0 interface the new 64 GB chips can transmit data at speeds of upto 400 Mbit/sec. DDR 2.0 provides a ten times increase in performance from the current 40 Mbit/sec DDR 1.0 interface. It also triples the performance over current toggleable DDR 1.0 chips which have a throughput of 133 Mbit/sec.