Leaked Documents Reveal Android L May Be Called ‘Lemon Meringue Pie’

Google introduced us to the next big update of Android at Google I/O 2014. Though, the company has already released the developers preview called ‘L Release’, the search engine giant has been tight lipped about what the name of the update would be, once it’s fully operational.
However, recent leak hint that the new version of Android which was referred to as Android L till now, will be called ‘Lemon Meringue Pie’ once Google releases it officially.
Documents leaked by popular website, Android Police, appears to refer the new version of Android as LMP or Lemon Meringue Pie. One of the documents is an extract from the Android SDK which mentions the current preview build of Android L available for the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 as the “lmp-preview-release.”
Also, the website posted a Wi-Fi certification for a yet-to-be announced HTC tablet which has the internal name of the latest Android version ID, LMP. The device is said to be HTC Volantis or Flounder which is expected to be the Nexus 8 or 9. The report also added if you search LMP on the Android Open Source Project repository you get nine hits, one of which refers directly to “LMP” in the subject heading.
However, this news should be taken in with a pinch of salt as last year Android KitKat 4.4 was referred KLP or Key Lime Pie prior to the release of Nexus 5 and 7. It is possible that Google may go ahead with an entirely different name, tying up with some company to promote a product just like KitKat. Anyway, it is still unclear what the new version of Android L will be called. Meanwhile, Lollipop, Lemonhead and Licorice are the favorites among Android fans.
Google is also aiming for a better battery life in Android smartphones. The introduced Project Volta improves the “instrumentation” of battery data through a tool called “Battery Historian.” Google has also added a “Battery Saver” mode in “L” which can be triggered manually or configured to be enabled automatically when battery is low.