Top 5 PS4 Games We Can’t Wait to Get Our Hands on

There are plethora of PlayStation 4 games coming in 2014. Lots of indie titles are going to debut as well as some big franchises come up with their annual releases.While there are still games out there with a rumored 2014 release date, we’ve decided to only include games that have been confirmed for a 2014 release.
We’ve rounded up 5 of most anticipated pS4 games of 2014:
5. Final Fantasy XV (Fall 2014)
When Final Fantasy XV is released this Fall, it will have officially been in development for 8 years. The game started production back in 2006 and features a darker and more realistic atmosphere than previous Final Fantasy games. The game was originally meant for release on the PS3 under the name “Final Fantasy Versus XIII”. For years, many thought the game was cancelled, but then Square Enix surprised everyone at the E3 2013.
4. Destiny (September 2014)
From the makers of Halo, Destiny is a first person action role play game, set in a vast science fiction world. Destine is built on a brand new engine by developer Bungie, who has been working on the game since 2010. It is one of the most hyped-up games this year, and there’s a lot at stake for developer Bungie and publisher Activision.
3. Batman Arkham Knight (Fall 2014)
Revealed just days ago, Batman Arkham Knight is the latest entry in the Batman Arkham series, which have been tremendously successful for Warner Bros. Arkham Knight takes things to the next level, both visually and gameplay wise — the open world will be five times larger than in previous games.
2. Deep Down (Fall 2014)
Deep Down is arguably the best looking PlayStation 4 game we’ve ever seen. So far Capcom has shown us glimpses of gameplay that surpass even the tech demos we’ve seen of the Unreal Engine 4. Deep Down is a fantasy action RPG, an ode to the classic dungeon crawlers, with all sorts of dragons and creatures looming deep down.
1. The Order 1886 (Fall 2014)
The Order 1886 is set in an alternate history in a Victorian-war London, where an old order of knights protect the city (and the world) from monsters. The game reminds us a lot of Van Helsing, and has a unique art style, not to mention some gorgeous visuals. The Order 1886 has been in development since 2010, but Sony kept things under wraps until E3 2013 with the reveal of FFXV.