Google with Udacity Offers You a Course in Android App Development

Android is going places. There is no other operating system that has been integrated simultaneously in so many multiple platforms. From Mobiles, Tablets, Gaming Consoles to Television and Cars, Android seems like it’s taking over everything. Now all this integration requires apps and developers who make that app. With over a billion devices activated, Android is here to stay for a considerable while. A lot many people have shown interest in making apps but they don’t have the skill sets for it. Google understands that and has tied up with Udacity.
The program is called “Developing Android Apps: Android Fundamentals” and the course is exactly what the name suggests. The program aims at giving assistance to programmers who don’t have the skillsets to make android apps.
Google Developer Reto Meier, Dan Galpin, and Katherine Kuan will train potential Android developers. Their curriculum gives step by step instructions in building an app. The course will also teach the basics of mobile app development in general and Android development in particular. The best part, you can get personalized support and feedback from the instructor.
By the end of the 8 week course, programmers would be able to build a cloud-connected Android app, and understand the tools, principles, and patterns that underlie all Android development.
For applying to this course you need a strong working knowledge of Java or another object-oriented programming language. Access to an Android device is not compulsory but is advisable for this course.
The program on Udacity is free for a 2 week trial after which the course costs $150/month, which is pretty reasonable as it comes with verified certificates on completion. So if you have an idea for a brilliant app but were limited by your programming capability, this is an opportunity for you. Most importantly, just remember that there is no stupid idea, the living proof for that is an app called YO (yeah, that exists.) So go ahead, maybe your app will be the next silly app to be valued at $10 million, this one is harder to believe but is true too.