Now Facebook Will Tell You If Your Friend is Online Through Web Or Mobile

After updating its Messenger app recently Facebook is now updating the web chat. The social network giant is currently testing a new messaging feature that lets you know not just which friends are online at the same time as you are, but also if they are using the mobile or desktop version of Facebook.
Facebook is testing this new function, which will show green colored icons in front of your online friends. If your friend is online through mobile it will display “mobile” and in the same way if your friend is online from a desktop it will display “web”. Like others, this features is still not visible to everyone using Facebook. It might roll out once its official as a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement to techcrunch:
We are testing a feature that gives you a better understanding of where your friend will receive your message,” a spokesperson said, who said she would keep us posted on when and if it rolls out more broadly.