Facebook Rolls Out ‘Photo Sync’; Automatically Upload 2GB of Photos

After expanding the test to iOS users last week, Facebook has officially launched Photo Sync for both Android and iOS devices. Photo Sync allows users to enable automatic uploading of any photos they take with their mobile device straight to Facebook. No manual uploading, no hassle. Just seamless photo uploading.
Unlike Google+, the app will not proceed with the uploads unless you explicitly open the app, and you can choose whether to do so on 3G/LTE or only over WiFi.
[quote]“Today we’re excited to roll out photo sync, which makes it easier to share photos. With this feature, photos from your phone sync automatically to a private album on the web. When you want to share these photos, just pick and post your favorites,” says Facebook. “We began testing photo sync in August and will continue to make it available to more people.”[/quote]
The feature, titled Photo Sync, uploads photos to a private folder, but can easily be made shared to your timeline with a couple taps.
Photo Sync appears to have been included in the mobile apps already; Facebook merely flipped a switch in the backend to turn it on. While there are many services vying for the same space — Google+ and Dropbox are notable examples — Facebook clearly has the market share lead to make this feature stick.
The feature is rolling out in the coming days, so if you don’t see it in your Facebook app settings, try again in a little bit.