iG Exclusive : iPhone 5 being launched in India Internally today – Available Oct 26th Rs.48,000 for 16GB

That’s it folks you heard right Apple is holding a private internal event in NCR to launch the iPhone 5 in India. The Phone which will be next big thing for the diwali season will be launched internally with the product itself hitting shelves on Oct 26th 2012.
The Price of the 16GB version is kept at Rs. 48000 in India, with increments going as high as 8000 per size increase. The new iPhone 5 is expected to do well in the country while Apple will also be launching special Apple care pricing for iPhone for those who want 2 years warranty instead of one.
So hang on to you greens because this s going to be an expensive month.
Update : and its final, the iPhone 5 will arrive Oct 26th for a price of Rs 45,499 for 16GB and Rs 50,999 for 32 GB. Carrier tie-ups and promotions will start early next week.