Apple And Google Will No Longer Listen To Private Conversations

Previously, several reports had surfaced that accused both Apple and Google of listening to users’ private conversations. Both companies explained through their official channels that the recordings were transcribed to improve their respective voice assistants. Now, Apple and Google are reportedly shutting down the program which had contractors listen in on private conversations.
Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri are both voice assistants that occasionally sent voice recordings of their surroundings to their parent companies. The companies claimed that they had started the program of hiring contractors, who listened to the recordings, for the purpose of improving the user interaction with the voice assistants. As of today, Google and Apple have suspended their respective programs after facing backlash from the community and regulatory bodies.
Apple in a statement said that they wanted to conduct a global review of its program to retain trust users trust in privacy. Grading had third party contractors listen to the recordings from Siri. Now, users can opt-in for the program and participate in grading. Furthermore, Google after having faced allegations, after its Dutch user recording was leaked, has also suspended its voice assistant program. Its “Hey Google” wake word had inadvertently triggered and had recorded many private and sensitive moments. Hence, the company will review its program as well.
Notably, the concerns raised over user privacy have become an increasingly sensitive aspect in the European regions. It is expected that Governmental regulatory bodies will soon step in and investigate the matter separately. However, the issue has expanded to an international level and should require some form of mediation if carried forward.
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The digital world has dug its roots deep into humans’ lives. We are now observing much more at risk than ever regarding our privacy and data. Companies like Google and Apple operate on a global scale and have influences over a much broader audience. It is a daunting prospect to think about when considering the control these companies have over the general public. Stay tuned for more updates regarding the matter.