Apple’s Memoji Feature Will Let Users Create Personalised Animojis

At WWDC 2018, Apple unveiled the new version of iOS which will see to iOS devices later this year. Along with new features to Siri and a better notification management, Apple also unveiled new additions to Animojis. In September, Apple introduced Animojis along with the iPhone X and for all the fancy Face ID tech it possessed, Animojis soon became its most famous feature. Apple appears to have recognised that and has gone a step further Memoji.
Memoji is what Samsung tried to do with AR Emojis and did not succeed. In iMessage, where you would usually select an Animoji, users will soon be able to swipe right and click on the add button to create a custom Memoji. In this window, users will be able to build their own Animoji-type characters from the ground up. Apple will let users decide minute details like freckles, hair colour, hair style, accessories like hats, glasses and more. Once done, users can save it to use in iMessages, or it can be overlaid on the user’s own face while taking a selfie.
Animojis also get a new feature which Apple quipped as “revolutionary,” Tongue Detection. Bizarrely enough, many users were disappointed that animojis did not track their tongues. Well, Apple has admittedly addressed that very specific complaint and users will be able to use their toungue to express through animojis as well. Along with tongue detection, animojis also get new characters like a ghost, koala, tiger, and T-rex.
With Samsung’s attempt failing to take off, it will be interesting to see how Memoji takes off with iOS 12.