Marvel Strike Force Now Available On Android And iOS Devices

Marvel in collaboration with FoxNext Games has released free to play Marvel Strike Force game for iOS and Android devices. This is a role-playing-style (RPG) game which features characters from Marvel Universe.
A user has to form a team using 60 defined characters. One can choose between Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Loki, Elektra, Captain America and Iron Man. After the formation of a team, you have to battle against evil-minded opposition to save the earth. The player has to use different attacks and moves to fight the enemy. Though the game is free to download, one can boost up the characters using in-app purchases.
Game Play
In the introduction, the game will display Marvel’s logo. At the time of loading, it will feature important characters like Spiderman and Ironman. Similarly, the loading app also displays important villain characters. Then character named Luke Cage will explain the gameplay. After that, a user has to select the squad. After selecting the team, the actual gameplay begins, where a user has to choose play as a different character to defeat the enemies in the arena.
To give your characters more strength, they have to be tried using the gold bars collected by winning fights. As the game continues to progress more and more missions will be unlocked. The gameplay was smooth for the most part and the background music suits the theme of the game.
The game weighs at 89MP in the Play Store and it requires additional 200MB of in-app data. Finally, if you are looking for an RPG game, then try the Marvel Strike Force.
Links to download