Google Chrome Will Let You Permanently Mute Auto-Playing Videos On Websites

Google Chrome will soon allow users to permanently mute websites, a long awaited feature that will cheer millions who suffer from auto-playing videos on websites. According to a report, the feature is currently available in the experimental Canary build of the browser and will soon roll out with future Google Chrome update. For those of you who want to give this feature a try, run it with the –enable-features=SoundContentSetting switch, as the feature is off by default.
Google’s François Beaufort announced on his Google Plus account, that the Chrome team is still “experimenting with a setting to mute/unmute a website directly from the Page Info bubble.” explaining that “This will give you more control about which website is allowed to throw sound at you automatically.”
As of now, a user can mute tabs in Chrome by right clicking on them, but the process is canceled out once you close the tab or the Chrome window. But with this feature, a user will be able to permanently block sound on a particular domain. In short, websites on which you disable sound will remain disabled or muted until you turn them back on.
Google Chrome already has various toggles for Flash, JavaScript, notifications, etc. and the soon-to-be-added sound toggle will work in a similar way.
According to the update given by François Beaufort, it might be a few weeks or months before we see the feature on Google Chrome.