Your Samsung Washing Machine May Explode Too Warn US Feds

What appears to be an excellent street of horrible luck for the South Korean tech giant, Samsung, the latest news paints a poor picture for the home appliances division .
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a warning that models of Samsung top-loading washing machines have safety issues.
This comes after several disgruntled Samsung Washing machine owners who suffered the “explosion” in their homes, in some cases with parts flying all across the living room, in other ripping the wall of their garage. According to the suit filed by the complainants, Some washing machines, vibrate violently under heavy loads, causing the tub to “become unfastened, resulting in a dramatic centrifugal explosion that destroys the machine and nearby property.”
Three independent women from Texas, Indiana and Georgia have filed the suit, and claim that Samsung has been aware of the problem for many years and has done little or nothing to warn the consumers.
According to the warning by the CPSC people use only the delicate cycle to wash bedding and water-resistant and bulky items because the lower spin speed “lessens the risk of impact injuries or property damage due to the washing machine becoming dislodged.”
An investigation revealed that 21 people have reported to the CPSC that their machine exploded or blew apart since last year, according to ABC News. Samsung and the CPSC are advising consumers to use the delicate cycle only when washing bedding and bulky items.
Samsung’s website offers the following statement:
In rare cases, affected units may experience abnormal vibrations that could pose a risk of personal injury or property damage when washing bedding, bulky or water-resistant items
And also goes on to say, that its consumers of the washing machine “have completed hundreds of millions of loads without incident since 2011.”
This incident comes right after the Note 7 explosion fiasco faced by the company, which has reduced not only the market value of the company but the public morale towards the brand as well.