Lenovo and Moto Bring Back Hello Moto

Lenovo may have fully acquired and integrated with Moto (previously Motorola), but it appears the chinese parent wants to keep the heritage of the Moto brand alive. What appears to be a reimagined sound for the original “hello moto” slogan was now tweeted by Moto and you can find the tweet below.
This also just comes shy of the 4th October launch of the Moto Z and Z Play in India. The company wants to build the brand around the new logo language and you may see excessive use of the #hellomoto branding hashtag. Either way, it does bring back some exciting memories of the Moto Razr, which we though Moto will release, but they won’t. So the “Hello Moto” jingle works for the time being.
New. fresh. and full of all the things you love. say hello to the all-new moto. #hellomoto #differentisbetter pic.twitter.com/0oW1JYcuXO
— Moto India (@Moto_IND) September 29, 2016