TRAI Working Hard For a Stronger Mobile Network in India

TRAI after recently releasing its Wireless Speed Monitoring App for mobile networks, is now working on improving the service benchmark for wireless data.
Through the application (Trai Myspeed App) we will get real time data from customers. This will be put on Trai Analytics Portal. It will show mobile data speed of each operator in a given area on real time basis
Trai has noticed a gap between what speeds the technologies could theoretically deliver, and what the consumers were experiencing in real-time. The Average speed promise will need to be delivered by the Telecom providers vs the earlier Minimum speed promise.
TRAI wants the users to upload the details of the speed and network quality to the Trai server, which in turn is analysed and published on the regulator’s analytics portal.
A consultation paper to be released by TRAI will give operators, basic performance needs, and operational benchmarks required to run networks in India. In turn ensuring better overall mobile network and data standards for Indian consumers.