HTC’s Next Nexus Device to Feature 3D Touch Functionality

Many would say that Apple was the first to bring 3D Touch pressure sensitive screens to smartphones. There are those who contest that the technology has been employed much before that. While you are free to choose your side, there is no denying that 3D Touch or Force Touch technology is here to stay. This fact has been accepted by companies like HTC, Meizu, Xiaomi, Oppo and many other OEMs as they all are rumoured to launch smartphones this year with pressure sensitive screens.
HTC is among the most well-known and established brands. While the world awaits the launch of the One M10 flagship smartphone, it seems the company is already busy working on its next Nexus device. In fact, the last known rumour that circulated a few weeks ago suggested that HTC will not release one but two Nexus handsets, and both will likely feature 3D Touch functionality.

Huawei Mate S features 3D Touch functionality
Rumours also say that Google plans to incorporate the pressure sensitive technology as a native feature in Android. This will help make the technology common for Android users, and will boost adoption rate. Furthermore, this will also push app developers to come up with creative ways to allow users to fully utilize the technology.
It will still be a while before we hear anything more on HTC’s Nexus device(s). Before that, it is said that Meizu will be among the first this year to ship its upcoming Pro 5 handset with 3D Touch feature in the first half of 2016.