Apple iPhone : The best $150m Investment Ever?

Apple Inc. is one of the biggest companies in the world, and the iPhone the biggest reason behind the Cupertino-based company being up there racking up record revenue figures year after year.
iPhone truly has been the Kohinoor in Apple’s assortment of gems, the nuke missile in its arsenal of weapons that it uses to deal knockout punches to its enemies. It is the one device which has become synonymous with Apple’s very being.
For most it is the device which encapsulates the essence of Apple’s quest for innovation, creativity and quality. It is like the phoenix that rises from its own ashes, reinventing itself after each financial cycle all so that it could mint Apple some more money.
According to estimates, Apple under Steve Jobs spent close to $150 million developing the concept of the iPhone. Put that in perspective with the fact that since that huge gamble, Apple has sold over 600 million iPhones, generating revenues running into hundreds of billions of dollars, and it becomes clear as daylight why the iPhone has to be the best investment the world has ever seen.
Industry estimates claim that Apple today is selling record number of phones. They peg profit margins on the new iPhones to be as high as 70 percent. That percentage is unusually high and especially notable considering that many of its competitors usually work on margins which are not even in the same ball park as Apple’s.
The main reason why Apple has managed to achieve such margins is because it has managed to work around the wants, and needs of the buyer. To its credit the iPhone has never gone down the path of vulgarity in trying to woo consumer. Unlike its competition, it never jumps in your face with “Market Leading” flashy specs, nor does it chase and hound you with the aim of coercing you into believing that a 10-Core processor is the need of the hour just because the calendar says it’s 2016.
iPhone being the iPhone does not promise you the moon and the stars just to make you throw more money at it. Rather the phone just stands there looks pretty with the promise of a phone that will give you that and some more. It comes across as a stable trustworthy product, and with its own swag tells you, “if you don’t have an iPhone, well then you don’t have an iPhone” and in the process it not only makes you happy, but also helps it to seal its place in history as the biggest cash cow that the industry has ever seen.