Here’s Every Gadget James Bond Has Ever Used

It’s only legit to get super-excited about all the technological advancements happening today. Smartphones are getting thinner, laptops are getting lighter, watches can make calls, and all that jazz. But nothing can match the level of badassness when it comes to technology in James Bond movies.
As far back as 50 years, James Bond films have been synonymous with gadgets and cars, among other things. Speaking about gadgets, Bond does nothing less than a Walther PPK, a watch that’s never quite a simple watch, an Aston Martin with ejector seat and machine guns, to name a few courtesy Q Branch. One wonders why no one before Burger Fiction ever thought of making a video compiling all of Bond’s gadgets. But now there is one and yes, it has every gadget ever used by James Bond. All 193 of them. Make sure you have popcorns in hand for this.