Two Million People Have Already Reserved the OnePlus 2

Regardless of how the smartphone sales for other companies are doing, OnePlus has skyrocketed to making up to 2 million reservations for its new device OnePlus 2, as of Thursday. This number has established the company’s place in the industry for the foreseeable future.
“Over 2 MILLION reservations for the OnePlus 2. Thank you for your overwhelming support!” reads OnePlus’ Twitter account.
The company is said to have had 1 million reservations within hours of the unveiling of OnePlus 2 and took only a week for reservations to hit the 2 million mark. This number is special for the OnePlus company since its benchmark to date has been 1.5 million units for the OnePlus One and this also means that more people are looking to buy new devices from this company.
Reports suggest, that OnePlus will be sending out invites to customers in USA, India and Europe on the 11th of August 2015.
Watch our hands on with the device here:
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