About One Billion People Use Mobile Phones in India

This news hardly comes as a surprise. India has fast held second place in the list ranking the countries of the world by the number of mobile phones in use (China is on top). A report released by COAI, stated the all India GSM cellular subscriber figures for the month of June 2014 and the figures were very grand for the fast developing country that we live in today.
As per the report, that included Telecoms like Airtel, Idea, Vodafone etc. We were at 720 million till December. Once they added other GSM subscribers in June, the figure stood at a whooping 932 million.
The most recent report submitted by TRAI on 10th April states that India has 960 million mobile subscribers.
Therefore, seven months into 2015, and a quick calculation using the growth rate, it’s easy to conclude that atleast 1 billion people out of a population of 1.2 billion, possess mobile phones. That’s almost the whole of India.
As the population increases and as we go into various technological developments, mobile phone usage will also increase. We see everyone from three year old toddlers, grandparents and even people living in remote villages, with a phone today. It’s surprising that we hadn’t crossed the 1 billion mark, already.
Source: [tw-button size=”medium” background=”#07ABE2″ color=”” target=”_blank” link=”http://www.trai.gov.in/WriteReadData/PressRealease/Document/PR-TSD-Feb-10042015.pdf”]TRAI[/tw-button]