LG to Roll Out World’s First 4K OLED Display

The battle of pixels just reached a major extreme. LG will become the first company to sell a 4K OLED TV in the world. These TV’s are massive; they come in 65 and 77-inch variant. These monstrosities have a pixel resolution of 3840X2160.
The 4K OLED TV’s would be first sold in LG’s homeland of South Korea. The company plans to sell the 65-inch variant at a price of 12 million Won ($11,766) that is a huge amount of moolah, but the prices will, of course, come down over time.
The OLED TV’s are capable of producing better blacks, fix flickering and blurring, and reproduce colors more efficiently. LG’s 4K OLED TV will also have audio system that has been designed by Harmon Kardon. The operating system on the TV is WebOS, which is really easy to pick up and makes browsing around the options fairly simple.
The main issue with these TV’s is the availability of content that will do justice to such a massive high-def screen. 4K has gained steam in the past few years, but there is a shortage of content for both 2K and 4K. 2K screens have percolated down to mobile devices and have found home in devices like Oppo Find 7, LG’s G3 and the upcoming Note 3. But even here there is a serious lack of content in terms of multimedia and apps. Most importantly, there aren’t enough content delivery mechanisms like discs or USB devices out there for 2K or 4K master quality.
The only option currently is to access the little amount of content available on the internet. But even here, the streaming options are limited by the internet speeds. Even the ISP’s don’t have the capability to handle the massive resources that 4K requires. Currently, 4K content can only be streamed in America, so LG could have introduced them in USA first, but guess they wanted to unleash the pixel powered brilliance to their compatriots first. The TV’s will arrive soon to North American and European markets.